Forthcoming Events 2025

Saint Margaret Clitherow Martyr of York

Thursday February 20th

A talk by Sister Avril Foster OP on Thursday February 20th at 7 pm at St Dominic’s Social Centre. Donations welcome.

Coffee Morning and Book Swap

Tuesday 25th February

A huge thank you to everyone who made last Saturday's Family Social such a success. We raised an amazing £384.50 for the Ashley Church Painting Project but more it was a lovely afternoon of shared friendship and fun.

Our next event is a Coffee Morning and Book swap on the 25th February 10-12noon. Join us for a warm welcome; good company; drink and cake all for £3 (children free) Cheaper than heating your house! Bring your pre-loved books ( adult or children's ) to swap.


Flame 2025

15th March 2025

Flame is a Catholic Congress (for those 14 and over) held in London at the Wembley Arena. The event consists of a concert with praise and worship, and talks from many different people. Catholics from all over the country head to Flame every year. To secure your ticket, please contact Claire O’Hara on 07929036596 ASAP to secure your ticket. The cost is approximately £50 which includes travel, insurance and the event ticket.

Find out more at


Archdiocese of Birmingham Lourdes Pilgrimage

24th-30th May

Booking now open for this year's Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage: You are most welcome to join us this Jubilee Year as we journey to Lourdes in May. The pilgrimage runs from Saturday 24 - Friday 30 May 2025 with the theme: "With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope".

If you would like to travel to Lourdes but in need of assistance we can help. Assisted pilgrims have the support of doctors, nurses, carers and hospitaliers throughout their time on pilgrimage. You will participate fully in the pilgrimage and experience the love of God through the care, love and friendship of volunteers.

Please contact the Lourdes Pilgrimage Office to discuss assistance requirements: 0121 230 6288 /

As well as applications from assisted pilgrims we're also keen to hear from doctors, nurses and carers eager to volunteer their time and experience to Lourdes. If Our Lady is calling you please answer and give to others. We look forward to hearing from you.

Find out more here:


North Staffs Eucharistic Congress

Thursday 14th July to Saturday 16th July

For our Deanery Jubilee celebration we are going to have a weekend Eucharistic Congress from the evening of Thursday 14th July to Saturday 16th July. Planning Meeting: On Monday 3rd March at 7pm at St Joseph’s Goldenhill. There will be Mass and Adoration before the meeting at 6pm for those who wish to come. Each parish will need a representative to attend. Please can you let Father Anton know if you are able to represent the parish.


North Staffs Deanery

Visit website

Archdiocese of Birmingham Events

Visit website

Kenelm Youth Trust

Visit website