Parish News Blog

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, parish events and newsletter.

Our parish picnic follows the morning Mass. I hope you all have a great time together.

Coming up on 24th September is our Mass in preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025. Also, the Mum’s Retreat Morning takes place on 12th October at St Teresa’s Trent Vale from 9.30am – 11.30am.

Also, we are looking for volunteers to help with our Children's Liturgy.

Have a great week!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Children’s Liturgy Rota

By Parish Office


If anyone would be interested in joining the Children's Liturgy Rota to either deliver or support sessions please contact Claire Hagan on 07966762687. Training will be provided. Volunteers would need to complete a DBS check through the Parish. The updated rota is now available in the porch.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Please see the updated shortage list from 12th September on the noticeboard.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, parish events and newsletter.

Coming up is the talk on Lumen Gentium on Friday 13th September at Our Lady & St Benedict Abbey Hulton.

Sunday 15th September is the day for our parish picnic following the morning Mass. All are welcome.

Have a great week!


Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, parish events and the newsletter that will take us up to September. The next issue will be on 7th September.

Newcastle Food bank send their thanks for recent donations.

Sunday September 1st is the Annual Pilgrimage Mass at Harvington Hall organisted by North Staffs Area Pastoral Council.

There is a Talk on Lumen Gentium on Friday 13th September at Our Lady & St Benedict Abbey Hulton.

Sunday 15th September is the day for our parish picnic following the morning Mass. All are welcome.

Have a great week!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Thank you for your recent donations. Please check the Church noticeboard for the list of current shortages.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, parish events and the newsletter.

Newcastle Food bank have informed us of what food items they are short of. Please donate what you can.

Please read the notice concerning confirmation preparation classes.

Sunday September 1st is the Annual Pilgrimage Mass at Harvington Hall organisted by North Staffs Area Pastoral Council.

Sunday 15th September is the day for our parish picnic following the morning Mass. All are welcome.

Have a great week!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Current shortages as of 29th July 2024: Tinned Cold Meat, Rice Pudding, Custard, Pasta Sauce, Chocolate Bars, Jam, Noodles, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Fish and Tinned Vegetables.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 28th July

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column and the newsletter.

Please note that this coming week there will be no Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning Masses.

Newcastle Food bank have informed us of what food items they are short of. Please donate what you can.

Please read the notice concerning confirmation preparation classes.

Coming up in September is the Annual Pilgrimage Mass at Harvington Hall organisted by North Staffs Area Pastoral Council. Read more

Lastly, a date for your future diary. Sunday September 15th following the ten o’clock Mass we plan a parish picnic in Hanchurch Wood. See newsletter for details.

Have a great week!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Confirmation Preparation Classes

By Parish Office


Please can parents of any children living in the parishes of Our Lady & St Werburgh and Our Lady & St John the Baptist, Ashley who are due to be confirmed later this year and who are not attending St Werburgh Primary school please contact the parish office. The preparation classes will start at the beginning of September.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Current shortages as of 17th July 2024: Tinned Fish, Tinned Fruit, Chocolate Bars, Fruit Juice, Long Life Milk, Tinned Cold Meat, Tea and Biscuits.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 14th July

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column and the newsletter.

Today is Sea Sunday. Also, the Youth Group's will be joining the 'Edge' group at Alton Castle.

Happy Holidays!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 7th July

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, parish events.

Next Sunday is Sea Sunday.

Coming up this week is North Staffs Area Pastoral Council's evening talk on Divine Revelation by Father Eamonn Mulcahy.

The Youth Group's last meeting of the year joins the 'Edge' group at Alton Castle on Sunday 14th July.

Have a great week.

CAFOD - SudanAppeal

CAFOD - Sudan Appeal


Thank you for the parish’s solidarity with the people of Sudan. We wanted to share the amazing news that our Sudan appeal has so far raised an incredible £769,871 for our response to this unprecedented crisis. The collection in our parish raised £400 towards the appeal. Your donations are giving food, water & shelter to families who have fled war and are facing extreme hunger. We are thankful. Don't get tired of supporting us when we are facing these challenges until we are able to stand alone". Sarah, 30 year old mother of four.

Donations are still urgently needed, if you are able to help please visit - call 0808 58 588 85 - or scan the code on the poster in the Church porch.


Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 23rd June

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, parish events.

The next meeting for The Potteries Theological Society is on 3rd July. Also, North Staffs Area Pastoral Council have organised an evening talk on Divine Revelation by Father Eamonn Mulcahy.

Have a great week and enjoy the nice weather.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 16th June

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Congratulations to the children in Year III who are making their First Holy Communion.

Happy Father's Day to all dads!

Today is also a “Day for Life” a reminder to us of the gift of life from God and its sacredness from conception to its natural end.

Coming up next Saturday is the Summer Fayre. Prizes for the main raffle are required aswell as donations of books, toiletries, toys, bottles and chocolate. Raffle tickets now available for you to take from the porch.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 9th June

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Newcastle Foodback urgently need donations and several items in particular listed in the newsletter.

Coming up on 22nd June is the Summer Fayre. Prizes for the main raffle are required aswell as donations of books, toiletries, toys, bottles and chocolate. Raffle tickets now available for you to take from the porch.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Lenten Appeal

By Parish Office


We collected £457.53 during Lent. This will be divided between Mary’s Meals and WaterAid. Thank you to all who donated.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Missio Appeal

By Parish Office


Father Noah has written to thank everyone who donated to the Missio appeal. £701 was collected over the three Masses, and 30 red boxes were distributed.


Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 26th May

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for two weeks. Check out the parish events.

Next weekend we welcome Father Noah to our parishes to give a Red Box Appeal.

Newcastle Foodback urgently need donations and several items in particular listed in the newsletter.

Coming up on 22nd June is the Summer Fayre. Prizes for the main raffle are required aswell as donations of books, toiletries, toys, bottles and chocolate.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Missio Appeal

By Parish Office


Next weekend we welcome Father Noah to our parishes to give a Red Box Appeal. Thank you to parishioners who already give to Missio, the Pope’s charity for World Mission. Your generous donations either through the Red Box or Direct Debit support the Church around the World where it is young or in need. There will not be a second collection as the appeal is for membership to the Red Box scheme. Please keep the work of Missio and the Mill Hill Missionaries in your prayers. To find out more:

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Items that are urgently needed are soup, cereals, tinned cold meat, tinned fruit, tinned fish, long life juice and long life milk.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 19th May

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for this week, and parish events.

Coming up on 22nd June is the Summer Fayre. Prizes for the main raffle are required aswell as donations of books, toiletries, toys, bottles and chocolate.

Also, the next meeting for the Potteries Theological Society in on 22nd May.

Lastly, the youth group meets on Saturdays from 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm. The Youth Mass is on 19th May at 10am Mass.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 12th May

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for this week, and parish events.

Newcastle Staffs Foodbank send their thanks for all the recent donations.

Coming up is the Open Day and Classroom Blessing at Our Lady & St Werburgh Primary School, and the North Staffs Vocations Promotions Group - An evening of prayer and reflection for vocations.

The next meeting for the Potteries Theological Society in on 22nd May.

The youth group meets on Saturdays from 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm. The Youth Mass is on 19th May at 10am Mass.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 5th May

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for this week, and parish events.

Coming up in May are lots of events including: The St John of the Cross – Talks by Father Matthew Blake, Reconnect by Kenelm Youth Trust, and the Open Day and Classroom Blessing at Our Lady & St Werburgh Primary School.

The next meeting for the Potteries Theological Society in on 22nd May.

Lastly, the retiring collection this weekend is for the Sudan crisis appeal 2024. Find out more at

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish and School Summer Fayre

By Parish Office


The annual parish and school summer fayre is on Saturday 22nd June between 12pm and 2pm.


Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 28th April

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for this week, and parish events.

Coming up in May are several events including: The St John of the Cross – Talks by Father Matthew Blake, the Archdiocese of Birmingham Mass for Marriage, Reconnect by Kenelm Youth Trust, and the North Staffs Area Pastoral Council evening talk on the Vatican II document Sacrosanctum Concilium.

Also, the retiring collection next weekend is for the Sudan crisis appeal 2024. Find out more at

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 21st April

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for this week, and parish events.

Coming up in May are the St John of the Cross – Talks by Father Matthew Blake, the Archdiocese of Birmingham Mass for Marriage, and the North Staffs Area Pastoral Council evening talk on the Vatican II document Sacrosanctum Concilium.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 14th April

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter for this week, and parish events.

Coming up is the formation of the New Youth Group at St. Werburgh's. The first session will be on Saturday 20 April. Read more.

Have a nice week.


Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 31st March

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, and the newsletter for this week and next. The next will be issued on 7th April.

Easter Monday Mass will be at Sacred Heart Church, Hanley at 10.00 am.

Happy Easter!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 24th March

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, and the newsletter

Please see the Deanery Penance Services for Lent.

Happy Holy Week and Happy Easter!

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Holy Week for Children: Maundy Thursday

By Parish Office


At 5:30pm on Maundy Thursday there will be a short service in the Upper Room. Good Friday at midday: We will hold a special Stations of the Cross prayer service for children in Church. If possible, please arrive a few minutes early so we can practice and prepare our songs and readings in the Side Chapel. All are welcome.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Lenten Lunches at Ashley

By Parish Office


Thank you to all who organised and supported the lunches. £150 was raised at our parish to make the grand total £511.20 which will go to Christian Aid.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 17th March

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Coming up this week is The North Staffs Area Pastoral Council - Year of Prayer Mass.

The final Ashley Lenten Lunch is on Wednesday 20th March at the Catholic Church.

Finally, please see the Deanery Penance Services for Lent.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Holy Week

By Parish Office


Mass of the Lord’s Supper: On Thursday 28th March at Our Lady & St Werburgh’s 7.30 pm. Lists for watching and washing of feet are available to sign in the porch.

Easter Monday Mass: At Sacred Heart Church, Hanley at 10.00 am. Chief Celebrant Canon Paul McNally. All welcome. Light refreshments available.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 10th March

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

Firstly, a very Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Coming up this week is the North Staffs Deanery Vocations Mass and the North Staffs Christian Aid Sponsored Walk at Tittesworth Water. Next week is The North Staffs Area Pastoral Council -Year of Prayer Mass.

The final Ashley Lenten Lunch is on Wednesday 20th March at the Catholic Church.

Finally, please see the notices for Holy Week for Children and Children's Liturgy.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 3rd March

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

The team at CAFOD send their thanks for the donations made during the family fast day. Also, The Newcastle Foodbank send their thanks for donations made.

Coming up on Wednesday is the Ashley Lenten Lunch at the Anglican Church. This is followed by the next meeting of the Teen Discussion group on Saturday.

Finally, please see the notices for Holy Week for Children and Children's Liturgy.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal this Lent

By Parish Office


Thank you for giving to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal this Lent. Your generous donations, given in love, will support families around the world and help them with the resources to feed their families for good. You can still give online at

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Thank you from the Foodbank for all your generous donations. Any donations can be left in the porch.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 25th February

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

The next Ashley Lenten Lunch is on 6th March at the Anglican Church. Also, The next meeting of the Teen Discussion group is on 9th March.

Lastly, the Pilgrimage to Walsingham by North Staffs Walshingham Association is between 20th – 23rd March.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Lent Appeal

By Parish Office


We are donating to WaterAid and Mary’s Meals for our Lenten appeal. Please bring any donations in at the end of Lent.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 18th February

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Coming up are the Ashley Lenten Lunches and the CAFOD Family Fast Day.

The next meeting of the Teen Discussion group is on 9th March.

Lastly, the Pilgrimage to Walsingham by North Staffs Walshingham Association is between 20th – 23rd March.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 11th February

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Walk With Me Lenten Booklets and Calendar are available. Please take one today as you leave Church.

The local foodbank have thanked us for the recent donations.

Coming up on 1st March is the World Day of Prayer at Ashley.

The Prayer & Life Workshops continue until March on Saturday’s after the 10 a.m. Mass. Join in at the upper room.

Also, there is the Bethsaida Parish Youth Leader Training Course taking place in this month and in March.

Lastly, the Pilgrimage to Walsingham by North Staffs Walshingham Association is between 20th – 23rd March.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Stations of the Cross

By Parish Office


On Sunday’s during Lent at 3pm starting at Clayton on 1st Sunday of Lent then alternating with Ashley Parish.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Thank you for all your recent donations. Please leave donations in the porch.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 4th February

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

The local foodbank have listed what they are short of in the newsletter.

Coming up on 1st March is the World Day of Prayer at Ashley. The theme this year is very special as it is the Christians in Palestine.

The Prayer & Life Workshops continue until March on Saturday’s after the 10 a.m. Mass. Join in at the upper room.

Also, there is the Bethsaida Parish Youth Leader Training Course taking place in February and March.

Lastly, the Pilgrimage to Walsingham by North Staffs Walshingham Association is between 20th – 23rd March.

Have a great week.


Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 28th January

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

The Prayer & Life Workshops continue until March on Saturday’s after the 10 a.m. Mass. Join in at the upper room.

Also, there is the Bethsaida Parish Youth Leader Training Course taking place in February and March.

Have a great week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

Newcastle Foodbank

By Parish Office


Items that the foodbank are short of at the moment are:Items that the foodbank are short of this week are: custard, rice pudding, cereal, instant mash, squash, long life fruit juice, household cleaning items, shower gel, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes and washing up liquid.

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Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 14th January

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

Happy New Year to you all.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

The Prayer & Life Workshops continue until March on Saturday’s after the 10 a.m. Mass. Join in at the upper room.

Coming up on 17th January is the next meeting for the Potteries Theological Society. The meeting will take place via Zoom. Meeting details are in this week's newsletter.

Have a nice week.

Blog - Our Lady and St Werburgh

This Week's Newsletter - 7th January

By Adam Grannell
Parish Website Administrator


Dear Parishioners,

Happy New Year to you all.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The parish website updates include Fr. Anton's weekly column, the newsletter, and parish events.

Fr. Anton send his best wishes.

Coming up are the Prayer & Life Workshops and the Annual Parish Youth Leaders Retreat.

All the best for the New Year!