Parish Priest - Father Anton's Weekly Column


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We come to the final week of the school year and I am sure that everyone of the school staff are looking forward to a break and rest. We give thanks for the gift of education which forms the foundation of life and working life for the majority of us. Let us pray also for those in the world who are denied or unable to access education. May peace reign in the world and freedom for education bringing well-being and prosperity to all.

As a person brought up in a fishing town I remember all the trawlers bringing fish into Fleetwood, a flotilla of ships coming in on the rising tide and the same leaving on the receding tide. Most of my uncles and one of my cousins served on those ships as well as the merchant navy. Life is much quieter since the Cod Wars of the Seventies but still there are many people who are away from home for long periods of time, much longer than the two-to-three-week period of a fishing fleet. Please remember the retiring collection is for the Apostleship of the Sea.

This Thursday is the school leavers Mass. We pray for all year six pupils who in September move on to their senior schools. May they take the fond memories of their time at St Werburgh. May the love of the Lord Jesus be in their hearts and minds now and always.

Monday is the Feast of St Bonaventure, a Bishop and Doctor of the Church. It is said that he once met up with St Thomas Aquinas, one of the leading scholars of the Church. He became the General Superior of the Franciscan Order of priests and monks and later a Cardinal. He was given the title “Seraphic Doctor” meaning “A teacher like the angels.”

We keep our faithful departed in our prayers. Remember Anna Jones who died recently! May they all rest in peace and find light eternal!

Happy holidays when they arrive!

God bless and keep you all safe in his care!

Father Anton s.c.j.