Parish Priest - Father Anton's Weekly Column


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have passed our first couple of weeks into the academic year. Routines are re-established and hopefully life is under control. As well as routines of work, rest and play, the routine of prayer and worship is also a very important part of our lives. Let us remember our prayers, our commitment to Christ and to the witness within the life of the Church. As God is our creator, we have much to thank him for. He is our life and our destiny. Let us make space for him in our daily life! Let us witness to his love for humankind

Part of our progress towards fulfilling our vocations, our Christian lives, is the sacrament of Confirmation. This year our new Bishop Timothy Menezes will confirm our children on Friday November 22nd at 7 p.m. The school will be busy preparing our children and if there are children, living within the parish boundary due to make their confirmations, then please contact the parish office as soon as possible. Time goes by very swiftly and November will be upon us before we know it.

This Sunday at 8.15 a.m. Mass Patrick is to receive his St Stephen Guild Servers medal. Congratulations to him and if there are other servers who now qualify i.e. they have completed their training and having served for at least one year then come forward with parents to set a date for your reception into the Guild of St Stephen. Reception into the guild is a promise to continue to serve regularly and help to witness to Christ and the importance of the Sunday Obligation. It is not for the casual or faint hearted! It is a serious commitment and promise to God and his people.

We are watching the weather very carefully in the hope that our Parish Picnic goes ahead! There has been a lot of careful preparation and some investment towards the event. So fingers crossed that it will clear and good times will be had by all.

Please keep the sick and housebound in your prayers and all the sick of the parish. We remember all our faithful departed, family, friends and loved ones. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.

God bless and take good care of yourselves!

Father Anton s.c.j.