As we break for half-term week, like the Sunday day of rest, we look forward, where possible, to a physical and recreational rest and recuperation. I hope everyone, especially the staff in school enjoy their break. Life is to be enjoyed whenever possible. Bon voyage if you are manging a little away break.
Congratulations to all our grandparents as we celebrated the School Thursday Mass in special honour and thanksgiving for them all. Grandparents play a very special role in the care and rearing of their children and grandchildren. Thank you to the school who hosted all our visitors on the day. I trust they enjoyed the flap jacks along with the tea and coffee!
Please note that over half-term I will be attending a conference and having a couple of days off myself. There will be no Masses during the week. Please note Mass will be available in our neighbouring parish churches.
I would ask you to pray for the repose of the soul of Amanda Ford. Amanda has been a long-standing member of our parish and passed away from this life to eternal life during the week. Please pray for her family and friends as they go through this difficult time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord!
Meanwhile take care and keep one another in prayer that faith, hope and charity may flourish in the lives of us all!
God bless,
Father Anton s.c.j.