Marriage and Family Life - Family Examen

An Examen for the family

Family Examen

An examen for use by parents and children

Pause whenever you need more time . . .

At the end of the day or after the evening meal or at whatever time is best for you: gather together!

If helpful, light a candle as a way of asking for God’s light as you look over the day . . .

Say a prayer that you all know, such as the Our Father . . . . . .

Go through your day: what happened this morning? . . .

What happened at lunch time . . . and in the afternoon? . . .

How was the evening meal together? . . .

What else do you remember about today? ...

What was good about today? . . . Did you get out at all?. . .

What was difficult about the day? . . .

What are you finding hard about having to stay inside at the moment?

What helps you to fill the time?

Ask God for what you need for tomorrow . . .

Pray for anyone else you who might be feeling lonely or sick at this time . . .

Thank God for this day . . .

“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.”